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Your genetic code, analyzed by Shafra for the Arab World.

It may seem unlikely at first that we, as a writing studio, hold so much in common with a scientific brand like Shafra. However, what connects us goes beyond the services that either of us provide. We immediately connected with Shafra’s founders, Mariya Al Hinai and Raya Al Sukkari, and we loved their dedication to keenly developing their brand.

What solidified our collaboration is our mutual strive for providing specialized services to Arab audiences wherever they may be. Sure, there are international brands that specialize in analyzing human DNA and providing their relevant reports and findings. However, they all seem to cater to a primarily Western audience. In this regard, these brands may overlook the sociocultural aspects that Arab audiences need in order to feel personal resonance with a brand.

We cultivated an initial brand diagnosis with our Messaging Manual

In line with the spontaneity that brought us together, Shafra was one of our first clients to obtain our Messaging Manual service, which we developed to encompass all the different facets of a brand’s tonality and messaging.

In the briefing session with Shafra, we understood that although they attempted several strategies in crafting a unique tonality for the brand, they could not reach their preferred outcome. With this, we set out on a journey to find the phrases, expressions, and vocabulary that could reflect the brand’s essence.

Two languages, one story.

After successfully developing the Messaging Manual, we wrote Shafra’s Brand Manifesto, along with two slogans for their website.


Though our story came to an end, their words to us were here to stay:

We did a lot of experimentation while trying to find the best possible way to present Shafra and deliver its messages to our clients, but we were not satisfied with the results. The professional and creative team at Mauzoun was then able to present Shafra in an integrated manner by capturing the heart of the brand through the Messaging Manual, showcasing it in a way that arouses curiosity and engages all five senses. We loved the extensive detail the Messaging Manual gets into, down even to the emojis our brand should use. We can now present our company and create our own marketing content, supported by a clear instructional guide that includes what can and cannot be used for communication, saving us a great deal of effort and time.